Sunday, June 3, 2012

A story about "being that kind of sick"

            So my morning started out today around 4:30 and if that wasn't bad enough my poor baby boy isn't feeling well.  I hate when my kids get sick, I only really started becoming a nurturing person after I had my oldest but I wasn't very good but I have gotten much better.  Back then I watched them like a momma bear(still do), gave them their meds and cleaned any mess, but I always had a hard time with the empathy, eventually I would just get annoyed with all the cleaning, whining and constant neediness and would have to tag my hubs in and just walk away for a bit that sounds pretty reasonable IF you have been dealing all day that was me after an hour lol. 
            Six years later Ive mastered the voice of comfort, the snuggles and the ability to nurse my kids back to health without relying on to many meds( I used to use meds for everything eventually learning if you give your kid tylonal for a stomach bug, their prolly going to puke it back up all over you)  BUT I still CANNOT handle the "Being sick" aspect and today my baby boy thanked me for my 4yrs of "service with a smile" in a way that was better than any "Thank You" card....
              My son and this is a bit weird but my son has been practicing throwing up in the toilet for months now, after he witnessed our pep talk to our oldest Ry about trying to run to bathroom when we're sick; since then he has been randomly running to the bathroom "practicing making it to the toilet" all his hard work paid off today, he isn't feeling well and hauled his little butt to the toilet and did his business.  Now I know people hate dealing with vomit but some have a stronger stomach for it, but me I'm that cliche person that gets sick too while cleaning it up so this was AWWWESOME, I didn't have to clean up vomit. 
              So mommas if your son or daughter is constantly running to the bathroom proclaiming he/or she has to "puke" his words, not mine I prefer "being sick" then let them do their thing if their only just sitting at toilet staring inside making mock gagging noise its actually pretty funny and keeps them focused for about 3mins and I don't know about you but with 3 young kids Ive learned to get a lot done in those brief windows of time, but I do understand some kids find the bathroom to be a great place to "play" so if that's the case sure take them out of there but if their "practicing" let them be you may avoid a disgusting mess in the future and have 3mins of free time!!
              Now I'm not saying he/or she will always make it but hey even 1 out of 3 is better than 3x the mess, and if you have more than one child you know its usually the domino effect with stomach bugs and at least you may have 1 or 2 of your kids making it to the bathroom.  A girl can hope right!!!
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

"Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick,and the Lord will make you well........." James 5:15

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